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From Krispy Kreme to Totality!

Turn around, every now and then,
I know there’s no one in the universe
As magical and wondrous as you
Every now and then I know there’s
nothing any better
Turn around, bright eyes
Every now and then, I fall apart
There’s nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart.

With some excerpts from Total Eclipse of the
sung by Welsh singer Bonnie Tyler

By Meng Haoran (689-740)
Lines composed 21st February 1825

Year of Queen flower 2019.


International Association of Self-Proclaimed Artists and Writers offers a tranquil space for Creative Souls to share their work to foster global harmony through the arts.

IASPAW logo.

This quote, attributed to a Zen poet captures the essence of my artistic pursuits:

"A person who is a master in the art of living makes little distinction between their work and their play, their labour and their leisure, their mind and their body, their education and their recreation, their love and their religion. They hardly know which is which and simply pursue their vision of excellence and grace, whatever they do, leaving others to decide whether they are working or playing. To them they are always doing both."

I founded IASPAW (International Association of Self-Proclaimed Artists and Writers) to provide a venue for talented and often overlooked creative souls to share their work.

IASPAW is now a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization to better promote creative expression and understanding across cultures.
Feel the Vision,
CTaBois signature.

For those who enjoyed the introduction and music from the original website, this is for you. Please read more about the generousity of the Washington Symphonic Brass and its rendition Karitas Habundat in Omnia (Charity abounds toward all) here. Enjoy!

French translation

"Si quelqu'un est maitre dans l'art de vivre, il fait peu de distinction entre son travail et ses loisirs, son esprit et son corps, son éducation et ses distractions, son amour et sa religion. Il fait lui-meme a peine la différence entre l'un et l'autre et poursuit simplement sa vision de l'excellence et de la grace, quoiqu'il fasse, laissant aux autres le soin de decider s'il travaille ou s'il s'amuse. A leurs yeux, il fait toujours les deux a la fois."

Chinese translation




Arabic translation:

"الأشخاص الذين يتقنون فن العيش بالكاد يفرقون بين الجد واللعب، والعمل ووقت الفراغ، والعقل والقلب، والتعليم والترفيه، والحب والدين. إنهم بالكاد يفرقون بين الأشياء، فهم ببساطة يسعون خلف رؤيتهم للتفوق و البركة في ما يفعلوه، و يتركوا للآخرين حرية تحديد ما إذا كان ما يقوموا به يعد عملًا أو لعب. بالنسبة لهم فهم دائمًا ما يقوموا بفعل الاثنين معًا."

Spanish translation:

"Un Maestro en el Arte de Vivir hace poca diferencia entre su trabajo y su juego, su labor
y su diversión, su mente y su cuerpo, la educación y el recreo, el amor y la religión. El Maestro apenas conoce la diferencia entre una y otra cosa, simplemente persigue su visión de la excelencia y la gracia en todo lo que hace, dejando a los demás decidir si está trabajando o jugando. El Maestro siempre siente que está haciendo ambas cosas."