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Chang Dai-chien or Zhang Daqian (張大千) 1899 – 1983 was one of the best-known and most prodigious Chinese artists of the twentieth century. Originally known as a guohua (traditionalist) painter, by the 1960s he was also renowned as a modern impressionist and expressionist painter.

Chang was born in 1899 in Sichuan Province to a financially struggling but artistic family, whose members had converted to Roman Catholicism. His first commission came at age 12, when a traveling fortune-teller requested he paint her a new set of divining cards.

Chang's early ink paintings emulating ancient Chinese styles, his lively portrayals of nature made while residing in Brazil and California, and the transcendent splashed-ink art of his later years.

A meeting between Chang and Picasso in Nice, France in 1956 was viewed as a summit between the preeminent masters of Eastern and Western art. The two men exchanged paintings at this meeting.

From Asian Art Museum

Chang attained the virtuosity of painting “from heart to hand” (得心 應手) late in life. In 1971, he selected this particular phrase to carve into a seal. The phrase probably conveyed a twofold message.

First, it is Chang’s proud claim that he had developed a stylistic versatility in depicting the infinite variations of the natural world. He acquired this ability by imitating the calligraphy and paintings of old masters, which led to a grand synthesis of historical styles in his art. He also enriched his personal experience with his extensive travel and enhanced his artistic vocabulary in order to capture the beauty of the world.

Second, the phrase communicates Chang’s belief that an artist should follow his heart to convey “spirit resonance,” a historical principle in judging the beauty of Chinese painting. Before applying his brush on paper, Chang had conceived the forms he wanted to depict and the inspiration to convey, aware of the most effective vocabulary of expression to spark awe and wonder.

A meeting between Chang and Picasso in Nice, France in 1956 was viewed as a summit between the preeminent masters of Eastern and Western art. The two men exchanged paintings at this meeting.